Thursday, November 27, 2008

Jacob, Andy and Dave

Luke continued down the street, staring at the ground, hands in his coat pockets, hair snuggled neatly under his woolen ski hat. Luke loved and hated these walks at the same time. He loved them because Luke loved the outdoors and nature. But he hated them a lot more because they were, as Luke sometimes called them, dread walks. Any time he was walking down this street, he was normally going back to the orphanage, which Luke dreaded. Luke hated it there. The food wasn't very good, the rooms were very small, and, the number one reason, Jacob, Andy, and Dave were there. They were mean. Luke didn't really hate them because they teased him. Almost all the boys there did. Even the headmaster, Mr. Samint, teased Luke sometimes, although not as cruelly as some of the others. At first, Luke actually didn't really know why he hated Jacob, Andy, and Dave so much. Then it had dawned on him one afternoon, and to this day, Luke truly believed that he hated them because he was jealous. They were all brothers; Mr. Samint's step children. They weren't related by blood. They were all step brothers to each other. Mr. Samint had bought the orphanage off an old couple who were selling it at half price. It had already been an orphanage when he bought it, so by law, when he bought it, he technically bought, and now owned, all the orphans inside. He had immediately adopted Jacob, Andy, and Dave right out of his own orphanage. Luke remembered that. He had been so upset. To this da, Luke hardly thought it fair that they had been chosen. Because their step father owned the building they got the biggest room all to themselves, and got to to virtually do what ever they want. Luke hated it. He looked up. He knew exactley when to turn and subconciousley, he had found himself in front of Samint's Orphanage. Luke pushed inside. The second he stepped on the rug, he was shoved roughly to the ground. The room spun as Luke fell back onto the hard, rotting, wood floor. Luke looked up dizzily, the orphanage lobby swimming around his head. He felt something pressed against his temple. He turned his head slightly and saw a man in a dark shirt, dark pants and a ski mask on. Luke's brain went into overdrive. He went slightly cross eyed to see what the man was pressing against his skull. It was a gun.

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